There’s no place like home…there’s no place like home…

August 23, 2020 Make no mistake; the COVID-19 pandemic is expensive. In a macroeconomic sense: world economies sputter along in low speed, needing fewer of this and that means fewer people employed, making fewer dollars, and national and world GDP not nearly as robust as before. No doubt the world we go back to will […]

A Tale of Two Cities

Keystone Dam

May 23, 2019 Here in Tulsa, we’re facing flooding on the Arkansas River. Many towns in Eastern and Central Oklahoma are dealing with too much water. My daughter’s school canceled the last 2 days of classes since Keystone Dam is forced to release over 250 cubic feet per second (cps) of water — a controlled […]

Tulsa: 2047

Over the last year, as we “digital bricklayers” of IT have set a good solid foundation here at the Tulsa Area United Way, it’s been fun to get back into the higher functions of technology planning and being the unofficial R&D of the organization.  Part of that planning happened last week when a bunch of us […]

Just add Bats: my submission for the new Arkansas River Pedestrian Bridge

April 7, 2017 Tonight at Midnight, the City of Tulsa will close an online web design competition for a new pedestrian bridge at basically 34th & Riverside.  The old Midland railroad bridge is structurally unsound, and is needs to be replaced with something that will match the new look of the area, courtesy of A Gathering […]

Mow your own damn lawn. Please…

Permit me a momentary rant, which may anger some folks… If you’re healthy, and not an invalid…don’t have a Doctor’s note or in other ways not able to walk briskly for a half hour at a time…then you should mow your own lawn. You’ve heard of the “broken windows” theory?  Which states essentially that a […]

“Home…is where I want to be…”

One of my interests is architecture and urban design, so allow me to introduce you to two little books by Witold Rybczynski… Between Home: A Short History of an Idea and City Life, you can’t go wrong. If you’re like me and love older homes and former streetcar neighborhoods, Home will explain much about why we […]

Welcome to Marysville!

I love my neighborhood. It’s official name in Bryn Mawr, which means “high hill” in Welsh.  We are almost the tallest point on Lewis Avenue; up the hill from Monte Cassino.  But I always think of Bryn Mawr as really starting a few streets to the South; I informally call my little area Marysville — […]