
This last weekend marked my Meyer Lemon’s annual trip into the house for Winter. Since lemons require a long growing season, I always bring it in just before Thanksgiving laden with lemons while silently praying that none fall off while being GENTLY coaxed through the door, where it will stay until February. Then it’ll go […]

Welcome the Stranger

November 1, 2021 Yesterday, the Tulsa World published an opinion piece I wrote recently, urging us all to help the new Afghan refugees who are being resettled in our area. The link is above, and I’m pasting it below also. After hearing about their needs and the special conditions that allowed their admittance to the […]

Be your own COP26.

Reel mower on lawn in front of house

October 30, 2021 Hello again…I took some time off in my writing to do other things. Client projects, home projects, and a new venture to be announced shortly. It’s been good to, as Michaela Coel put it: “…do not be afraid to disappear. From it. From us. For a while. And see what comes to […]

Ghosts of Victoria, and Vancouver

May 12, 2016:  I’m in Vancouver, B.C. this week for the United Way Worldwide conference.  It’s been GREAT being back in the Pacific Northwest — for all too short a stay.  I haven’t been here since 1997 and it reminds me of all the ways in which it’s different than Seattle or Portland and the […]

“We have a cash flow problem”

That title is a tidbit and snippet of family lore from my Father in Law, Kenneth Gibson. He was a commercial realtor for Grover Bauer in Tulsa in the 1970s-80s, and he told me a story once about selling a commercial property for a client. The client was being a bit slow on paying him his […]

Happy Year of the Monkey!

So we’ve already covered that I’m a pack-rat where data is concerned.  It’s easier to keep track of than boxes of paper, and backup tapes and the equipment to read them can fit in one box… Yesterday I exchanged Lunar New Year greetings with Hoo Kok Mun — one of my favorite student workers at TU […]

Remembering “Challenger”

It was a day like many others in Oklahoma — sunny and warm for winter, kinda like today. I’d come home from work for lunch — I was a newbie/recent college graduate masquerading as a Mutual Fund Salesman.  Not making any money, so a tuna sandwich back at the college duplex rental was still the […]