Epiphany: The Marketer and the CIO Should Be Friends

Remember the movie “Working Girl”? I’m remembering the scene where Melanie Griffith’s character Tess tells Trask her train of thought that led to putting two very different companies together. TESS: See this — this is from the Wall Street Journal, just your basic article about how you were trying to expand into broadcasting, right…okay, now […]

All good things…

Flammarion woodcut

June 10, 2019 Last week I severed my final tie to the Tulsa Area United Way, my wonderful employer for 8+ years. I maintain the highest respect for their mission and the great folks who work there, doing so much for our 5-county service area. My first volunteer activity for them was the very first […]

My Day at the Capitol: #oklahomateacherwalkout

April 4, 2018 Today Karen, Miss P and I drove down to Oklahoma City, adding our voice to the thousands of educators who, for almost all of my daughter’s life, have that their salary buying power reduced by over 10%, and per-pupil funding reduced by near 20%.  Putting Oklahoma last in overall education funding. I’m […]

“Would You Rather…”

December 29, 2017 Gather round, kiddies — we’re going to talk about business ethics. Wait!  Don’t run away! When my wife worked at Group Health Cooperative in Seattle, one of her coworkers used to ask interesting interview questions to get at the heart of the ethical dilemmas inherent in modern work.  For example:  “Would you […]

Crossing the Rubicon

May 12, 2017 Here in the world of United Way, we’ve always stressed how we’re all locally run and managed.  We pay a “license fee” if you will to share the United Way brand, with all the responsibilities and conditions that come with it. We’ve all maintained our own local files forever – moving from […]