Moderation in all things. Especially screentime…

I’ve asked this question back over Thanksgiving weekend on Facebook: Parents: Over the long holiday we’ve fully implemented the OurPact app to control/curtail screen time for Pi. Anyone else using it? Any advice on achieving a happy middle ground between total block and total open? And I thought I’d expand this into a blog post to […]

The United Colors of…Muskogee, 1967–78

Back in the Summer I sat with a visitor at my church, the adult chaperone of 15 Iraqi high school students who were touring parts of the U.S., learning about the various career choices that might be available to them.  After visiting Vermont, and then Oklahoma, they went to Washington D.C. before heading back to their school […]

Killer Clowns, Black Lives Matter and the Herd Mentality

Living in Tulsa recently has brought me face-to-face with how quickly we revert to the herd mentality, particularly when we find ourselves in an information-poor environment.  With amazing speed we will tacitly accept “truth” from very tenuous sources, and spread it around like manure to feed and grow further mania. I’m speaking of course about […]

First Thoughts on the Lyric Thermostat

08/30/2016: Since I’m all about lowering one’s energy consumption (within reason), our rent home came with a lovely mercury-filled “slider” thermostat, circa 1995.  For our first month it seems the thing was a blunt instrument — running way too much and keeping us dashing back and forth to raise or lower it.  PSO tells me […]

Mow your own damn lawn. Please…

Permit me a momentary rant, which may anger some folks… If you’re healthy, and not an invalid…don’t have a Doctor’s note or in other ways not able to walk briskly for a half hour at a time…then you should mow your own lawn. You’ve heard of the “broken windows” theory?  Which states essentially that a […]

Disruption Stories

Stories abound about ways in which the Internet has been a disruptor to business and the status quo.  Back in the early 90s I got to witness the carnage and bloodshed firsthand at the University of Tulsa. As I said in the About…History is written by the victors, and the folks who were the high […]