
This last weekend marked my Meyer Lemon’s annual trip into the house for Winter. Since lemons require a long growing season, I always bring it in just before Thanksgiving laden with lemons while silently praying that none fall off while being GENTLY coaxed through the door, where it will stay until February. Then it’ll go […]

Welcome the Stranger

November 1, 2021 Yesterday, the Tulsa World published an opinion piece I wrote recently, urging us all to help the new Afghan refugees who are being resettled in our area. The link is above, and I’m pasting it below also. After hearing about their needs and the special conditions that allowed their admittance to the […]

Be your own COP26.

Reel mower on lawn in front of house

October 30, 2021 Hello again…I took some time off in my writing to do other things. Client projects, home projects, and a new venture to be announced shortly. It’s been good to, as Michaela Coel put it: “…do not be afraid to disappear. From it. From us. For a while. And see what comes to […]

Epiphany: The Marketer and the CIO Should Be Friends

Remember the movie “Working Girl”? I’m remembering the scene where Melanie Griffith’s character Tess tells Trask her train of thought that led to putting two very different companies together. TESS: See this — this is from the Wall Street Journal, just your basic article about how you were trying to expand into broadcasting, right…okay, now […]

The Soul of (All) New Machines

Remember the Tracy Kidder book, “The Soul of the New Machine“? Required reading in business school from almost the day it shipped, the author embedded with teams at Data General in Massachusetts, in their quest to build a new and better mini-computer (remember those?) in those in-between days between big iron mainframes and the eventual […]

“Can anything good come from Tulsa?”

“And Nathanael said unto him, “Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?” Philip saieth unto him, “Come and see.”“ — John 1:46 A friend of mine recently posted a news story about a former Tulsa Public Schools Assistant Superintendent and his great successes in another state, with accolades and recognition on a national scale. […]

Q: Is alternative power use in Oklahoma like sex in high school?

Solar panels in Colorado

A: Something everyone talks about, but no one does it? Thanks to a regional gymnastics championship meet, we spent a long weekend in and around Denver, Colorado. It’s my first visit in almost 5 years (and our first trip ANYWHERE in over a year) and amid the fun and tourism, I saw several things that […]

A lens into a more diverse place

Cast of Kim's Convenience

You positively gotta love Canada. Besides the obvious, they seem to produce a lot of good, high-quality television that’s…nice. Very approachable shows that give us Americans a glimpse into their so much more diverse society. We’ve done a lot of bingeing during the pandemic and two of our fave Canadian imports have been “Anne of […]

Frog + Water + Heat

Frog in a pot on a stove

In 1996, in Washington State, I had my first-ever rock chip of my windshield. It was a good one: a fist-sized rock, nestled deep inside a load of freshly felled timber being hauled down I-5, got jostled enough to pop out, bounce on the pavement, and aim right for my windshield. As I said, it […]